MIS (Management Info System)

The system we provide with a custom solution for MIS (Management Information System) enables to obtain special reports and records from the system easily. Our developed MIS receives data from a company as its units and functions. Our system facilitates automatic data collection from computer linked check-out counters and others are typed in at periodic intervals. The process automation we build according to the demand of clients’ with an efficient way using customer features, customer requirements, and with a user-friendly interface.

We believe that our developed MIS system is very easy to use and within 15 minutes training an operator can manage the whole system.
Determining all the necessities, Solutions Player Pvt. Ltd gives MIS solutions for:

User Management Services

  • User Profile
  • User Role
  • User Permission
  • User Type Management (such as Exective, Admin, Supervisor, Monitoring Officer, Data Entry)
  • Assign Project to User or Partner

Project Management

  • Management of Project Files
  • Project Funds Allocation Management
  • Funds Utilization Management
  • Quantifiable & Descriptive Management of Projects Activities/Sub Activities
  • Progress Submission (On Monthly and Quarterly Basis)
  • Yearly Work Plan (On monthly, quarterly bifurcation)
  • Yearly Cash Plan (On monthly, quarterly bifurcation)

System Setting

  • Union Council Management
  • Tehsil Management
  • District Management
  • Province Management
  • Ministry, Partner, Sister Organizations Management
  • Field of Work, Specialization, Sector

Project Evaluation and Monitoring

  • Project Profile Reports
  • Union Council wise Project Report
  • Tehsil wise Project Report
  • District wise Project Report
  • Province wise Project Report
  • Overall Sector wise Projects Report
  • Work Plan Report
  • Cash Plan Report
  • Project Financial Project Report
  • Funds Utilization Report
  • Project Progress Report (From and to date)
  • Project Activity Report
  • Progress Reporting of Physical Project
  • Project Planted Activities VS current progress report
  • Overall projects Reports
  • Project monitoring Reports
  • Project Result Based Monitoring Report

 Online Link http://www.eva-mis.com